Proud Sponsors

Special thanks to all of the Mount Airy Community and local businesses for you support!
Mount Airy Rotary and Mount Airy Fire Department

Mount Airy Rotary
Mount Airy Rotary joins the Mount Airy Volunteer Fire Company (MAVFC) in a family event, the Mount Airy Duck Race, for the fifth year, with all net proceeds from this event returning to our community.

The MAFC maintains 12 critical pieces of emergency equipment, this year responding to 172 fire calls and 980 EMS calls. Proceeds from the Duck Race ensures emergency preparedness for our town.

Rotary Club of Mount Airy
The Rotary Club of Mount Airy is able to offer college and technical scholarships, donations to local and global organizations, and local town projects (Windy Ridge Trail).

Where & When
Fire Department Carnival Grounds
1008 Twin Arch Rd,
Mt Airy, MD 21771, United States
Sep 15 2024:
Duck Races start at 2:00 PM
Live Duck Race starts at 3:30 PM
(301) 704-7818

Adopt a Duck
Note: If you would like your ducks assigned to other individuals, email rotary21771@gmail.com with the names. Thank you.
Schedule A Quack Attack
To market the Duck Race, we started Quack Attacks. For your donation, we put three ducks on your lawn and will return to pick them up in three days. For a separate donation, we will gladly relocate your ducks to someone else’s lawn. In addition, this year we have added a “FULL FLOCK” which is 12 ducks for 7 days with a $100 donation.
This is a fun fundraising project and great advertising for the Mount Airy Duck Race being held on September 15, 2024, at 2 PM.
To schedule your Quack Attack, please contact either
Wendy Study 410-596-5965 of Mount Airy Rotary
Terry Baker at 301-639-4926 of MAVFC
a Sponsor
Special Offers
Snells Greenhouses
Mt. Airy Mattress
WRF and Son Plumbing
Little Sparkie Electric
Mount Airy Lions Club
Surah Japanese Steakhouse
Elite HVAC Solutions
Seventy2 Capital Wealth
Vocelli Pizza
Wagners Meats
Willard Agri
Mt. Airy Liquors
The Plumbery
7 Springs Landscaping
Baylinson, Kudysh, Greenberg, and Helt LLC
Hillmuth Automotive